
How to effectively use hashtags in your Instagram business account + top 10 hashtags in 5 industries.

Local Business / Social Media Marketing

How to effectively use hashtags in your Instagram business account + top 10 hashtags in 5 industries.

Popular social media platform Instagram is reported to engage over 500 million users from across the globe on a daily basis. Clever business entrepreneurs are taking the hint and marking their online presence using this platform.
But with over 100 million photos uploaded every day, it’s hard to stand out. So how can you make sure that your business is found in this sea of content?
Using hashtags effectively can help you in increasing your discoverability.


How To Use Hashtags on Instagram For Business

Organize your hashtags

It is important to organize your hashtags. Maintain an excel sheet and track your common and most-used hashtags. You can also find and include hashtags that best relate to your products or services. Thus, find the hashtags that are best for your brand.
You can also use online tools to find related hashtags that can promote your brand. Test and find out the right numbers of hashtags that can suit your businesses.

Figure out the numbers of your hashtags

The number of hashtags used for your post may differ on the basis of what you are selling. The bottom line is you may never know the number that might work for you. The only way to find that number is by Trial and Error.
Remember, the hashtag limit that Instagram has imposed is 30 per post. So choose wisely.

Narrow your hashtags.

Smaller-volume hashtags can be effective for your businesses. Many businesses avoid common hashtags as it is too broad. Instead, they use brand-specific hashtags. This will help potential customers find your business and meet their specific requirements.

Find the best and common hashtags

Find out your competitors and businesses in the same domain and create a list. Track their hashtags and include them in the list. After finding out the best and common hashtags, avoid the common ones and choose the best ones that help you thrive among the competition.

Experiment hashtags.

Go ahead and experiment hashtags. Simply type a hashtag in your Instagram scroll bar and get many suggestions. When you click on a hashtag, you can also get a list of related hashtags. Using the long list, try out new hashtags.

Follow your own hashtag.

By following your hashtag, you can find out sources interested in your business and connect with them. It is easier for such contacts to find you and your business through hashtags.

Plan a brand campaign hashtag.

Successful businesses create their own campaign hashtags. You can plan an intriguing and memorable hashtag and it can create an impression in the minds of the audience. Campaign hashtags can promote new products or upcoming events and inspire your target audience.

Before deciding to introduce new hashtags for your online businesses, have a look at the most popular Instagram hashtags for top 5 industries.
Here are the top 10 hashtags in 5 industries – fashion, wellness, time and task management, business and online marketing.

Top 10 hashtags in the fashion industry

The fashion industry is a competent domain with the battle of top leading brands. While planning an online presence with Instagram, you can survive the high competition and attract the attention of a large followers crowd. Here are some top 10 hashtags for businesses in the fashion industry planning their presence on Instagram.

#model# fashion#beauty
#makeup# hair# style #

Top 10 Hashtags in the wellness industry

Stress and wellness are the most integral part of contemporary living. However, wellness centres have to plan online presence on popular social media platforms such as Instagram to survive the high competition and become noticed by lucrative customer groups across the globe seeking their services.
Here are some top 10 hashtags for the wellness industry
#stressed #stressfree#stressreliever#

Time and task management hashtags

Time and task management are significant concerns for career aspirants, professionals and employers. Busy individuals understand the value of time and devote their time judiciously and manage all the tasks efficiently. If you are promoting time and task management sessions, then you can plan your presence online with some bright Instagram hashtags.
Here are top 10 time and task management hashtags for the time and task management industry.

Top Business Hashtags

Businesses need to plan an online presence to promote their products and services to the global audience. It is a great idea to post the most relevant hashtags on Instagram and attract the attention of potential customers.
Here are top 10 business hashtags

Online marketing hashtags

Online marketing campaigns are effective in promoting businesses, their products and services. With good online marketing strategies, you can successfully launch your business among the global audience. You should plan your online presence with Instagram posts that will provide you with good exposure.
Here are 10 online marketing hashtags:

Benefits of using Hashtags on Instagram for your business

There are many benefits of using popular Hashtags as they will help you reach your audience easily. You can easily connect with customers who share their passion for using popular hashtags.
When a hashtag is included in an Instagram post, a link is created and you can view the content posted relating to the businesses.

The fastest option to get leads

Using hashtag is the most effective way to effective lead generation. You can easily scale your profits by attracting the attention of the largest crowd of followers and potential customers.

Increase event participation

Businesses conduct many promotional events and you need to increase the participation of the maximum audience. Using hashtags, you can gain the attention of the global audience to participate in the events.

Get smart and improve your online presence with an Instagram strategy!

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