9 Ways to Supercharge Your Start-up Growth – Follow these Tested Strategies

9 Ways to Supercharge Your Start-up Growth – Follow these Tested Strategies
Are you concerned about launching a new start-up? Keep your worries away and further your plans. I had a similar experience with my start-ups. Want to share some great strategies that can easily help you launch your products or services and gain them a niche among the target audience.
Consider some of my tested effective ways to supercharge your start-up growth. I have obtained good results for many of these strategies. You can also try out these effective strategies and improve the market for your products.
There are many effective sales strategies that can help you dynamically improve your start-up growth. Try some of these innovative sales and marketing strategies to leverage your start-up business.
Find Good Inspiration – Follow Success Stories
There are plenty of success stories around us to get inspired and also many role models to follow. I suggest you take lessons from the most successful entrepreneurs and plan success in your start-up ventures.
Many new start-ups in India consider Reliance architect Dhirubhai Ambani as their inspiration and plan similar success to establish and flourish their business. If you have watched the Movie Guru, you will be truly inspired by the success story of the business maestro and follow his lead. The film completely unravels the business story of Great Ambani!
I was totally inspired by the great architect and is well reflected in the growth of my start-up a decade ago.
Trigger Your Marketing Strategy Before You Have a Product to Sell
Test your marketing strategies before you sell the product. Make good plans, build your team, and plan how to reach or connect with potential buyers. Decide on your marketing strategy and plan a dynamic start. Assess the market for your products and identify the competition in your domain. Find out your top competitors. You should be faster than your competitors even though you are a start-up initiative. This has been one of my top strategies for my ventures. believe me, it works.
Make an Online Presence
The online presence can easily boost the market for your products and services. Introducing a website can get you high visibility from the target audiences across the globe. Watch how your business is transformed into good online presence especially after introducing Digital Marketing. Consider digital marketing strategies such as content strategy, Search Engine Optimization and other processes to improve your online presence.
You can even use Social Media Marketing to launch your products and introduce them to the online community.
Digital marketing campaigns are also most useful in gaining a niche for your products online. Use effective campaigns and introduce your products to the masses. Plan the campaigns based on the value of your products. I could not implement digital marketing for my start-ups and the performance of my start-ups lagged. But now start-ups can plan better growth with these campaigns.
Why Use this product? Explain the Genuine Purpose
Manufacturers and business owners have valid reasons for introducing new products. Mostly, the products have improved features than the existing products. Highlight these latest features and explain its relevance to the target audience. This will fetch new market for your products. Focus on the product and its market. In fact, People don’t buy what you do, why you do it.
A comparison may not be Effective
Comparing products in the same domain may not be effective. The products already introduced in the market have some potential buyers. They have already accepted them. It will take them a while to trust your new brand and recognize its advantages. So give them some time! Wait to instill your brand.
Allow them to Test Your Product
Business owners are clever. On selling electronic brands or even lipsticks, they allow testing. No one wants to carry home a product without testing its function to find out that the appliance or products do not function properly. Allow them to test products at your showroom. Extend this process on selling smartphones, gadgets or appliances at all varied costs. While the cost of the appliances or devices is high, most eager the customer would be to try out and test the functions of the devices.
With my experience, I know that as the customers test out the product or device, their chances of purchasing it is higher. You will easily win them over with the advanced features of the devices if you allow them to test the devices and discover its features.
Providing startup products and services to be reviewed by online influencers will give an initial boost to your business. Matthias is one of my favorite youtube channel where he reviews crazy products found in online stores. He also does promotional product testing in between, where I found few amazing startup products tested and rated DOPE OR NOPE. Pretty sure it will help those startups to get an initial boost using Matthia fan base.
I have observed this strategy in action. Once I walked into a showroom in one of the malls abroad. It was a top-quality laptops and mobile showroom located in one of the malls. I was surprised by how my smart salesmen allowed the customers to test the laptops and expensive mobiles and turned them into buyers. It was obvious that nobody would buy an expensive mobile without testing it and be discovering its top features.
I have a similar experience to quote from my digital marketing company. Whenever customers have shown interest to test products, they have purchased the products too. I got enlightened on this new conversion strategy!
Understand Your Customers – Your Business Promotion will be Easy!
Again another example from a showroom abroad. To improve my business I decided to understand the requirements of buyers. From the buyers I noticed in the showroom, I identified 3 groups of customers on their purchase pattern. One group purchased products with unique features soon as they are introduced in the market. Their target was the latest releases in the market. The second group bought products that are within a budget and had ample features. The third group was brand-conscious – they bought brands they trusted in. Either they became followers of the brand through impressive ads or they found the products of the brand good as reported by other users.
So, it is imperative that you understand your buyers, their preferences and requirements.
Target Early Adopters
Don’t target the mass market soon. The reason is that most people resist change and they do not usually receive the products and services that are not already accepted by the early adopters. They do not want to waste their resources and try out a brand that is still new in the market.
Social media can be used to target early adopters. Simply increase the likes on the posts of products or services hosted online. Watch the followers increasing the likes of the same product. This strategy works on a simple belief. As the users find that there are early adopters to like the product, they believe that the product has good features and end up liking the product. They do not want to waste their money on purchasing a product and experiment with it. They require only tested products for purchase. I recommend this latest strategy. Remember to apply it and observe the benefits.
If you are a start-up, understand the requirements of your target audience, then plan your successful strategies. Supercharge your start-up growth and watch your new business grow!