10 Marketing Books You Should Read For Your Business Growth

10 Marketing Books You Should Read For Your Business Growth
Marketing is an expanding field with new challenges for businesses. To attain success, you need to be clever and fast. Always have a look at what the top players in your domain are actively involved in. Even though your business does not fail, you can imbibe some clever strategies and implement in your businesses.
Now, you need not peek into another business instead follow some inspirational books and plan your success. Famous authors are offering effective marketing and business guidelines through their best-sellers. Simply scan the latest inputs from the eminent authors, choose their strategies and plan out the effective guidelines to dynamically evolve your businesses. If you have plans to turn your business global, then follow the strategies of the global players and adapt their success strategies.
Here are the top 10 marketing books that you should read and plan for a better business growth.
1. The Ten Principles Behind Customer Experiences
By Matt Watkinson
Author Matt Watkinson is a famous consultant enabling a business to gain from the good customer experience. He introduces a perspective for better customer experience through product and service design. Further, he focuses on improving customer experience. With his valuable insights and designs, companies can offer delightful customer experience leading to better customer retention. Follow his valuable tips and gain the benefits.
2. Non-Obvious 2018: How to Predict Trends and Win The Future
By Rohit Bhargava
The enlightening marketing best-seller Non-Obvious 2018 is the product of famous author Rohit Bhargava. He poses questions on non-obvious trends that are even missed during trend prediction. Now leading brands planning high success is inculcating his future trends and following his insights. His top followers include brands like Intel, Under Armour and World Bank.
In his edition, the author is introducing 15 new trends that are uncommon and ideal for implementing. The interesting book has plenty of novelty to look forward. It features a detailed section with a review and ratings for almost 100 predicted trend already followed in the market.
There is plenty to learn from this marketing edition. You can learn to notice aspects that are uncommon or often missed by many. Call them non-obvious. The author teaches you to mark your success based on even such insight. This book can be highly insightful and a guide motivating you to adopt new trends and choose the better of the business trends that you are already following.
In his marketing best-seller, famous author Rohit Bhargava explains that to put to best use the obvious ideas that we are often flooded with. He focuses on observing new ideas and also the curation of ideas that can improve your businesses.
3. Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way To Influence And Persuade
By Robert Cialdini
After the success of the top marketing book Influence, author Robert Cialdini is introducing another best seller titled Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way To Influence And Persuade. Find out all about the power of effective persuasion. The book unravels the secret of persuasion and its effective role in fuelling marketing. Cialdini unfolds numerous case studies and stories to influence the audience and present his innovative viewpoints on marketing. He provides techniques to gain the attention of the audience and motivate them to accept brands. He explains how invaluable customer delight can be and its role in improving the businesses.
4. What Customer Crave: How To Create Relevant and Memorable Experiences At every Touchpoint
By Nicholas Webb
Another splendid book on customer experience from a different but equally successful author! The authors provide insight into customer experience and how to treat customers. He imparts message on moving ahead from mere customer service to customer satisfaction and customer delights. He motivates businesses to plan out exemplary customer experiences and observe the high results for their businesses. He suggests that an audit by an external source can be useful in finding problems. According to the author, what the customers love or hate is quite important.
Both the books are my favourites. Well- written and insightful books that enlightened me. I had never really focused on customer experience but as the authors campaigned on this aspect with their motivational books, in fact, I have imbibed plenty of strategies from these books.
5. Digital Marketing For Dummies
By Ryan Deiss and Russ Hennesberry
With this effective marketing guide, know how to use digital marketing strategies and tactics. Learn to improve the reach of your business, expand its horizons, engage audience effectively and obtain customers. Using the digital technology, offer your products and services to all. He also persuades to keep abreast with the latest developments in digital marketing.
In 300 pages, the author covers an array of subjects such as planning marketing, SEO, SEM, social, email, and data analytics.
Ryan Deiss is one of my personal preference, the author has managed online sales in millions of dollars and I value his guidelines. He is truly an inspirational author for marketers.
6. Principles
By Ray Dalio
Principles are a management book by author Ray Dalio. The book consists of 552 pages. The introduction is autobiographical and elaborates on Life Principles. It has ample readership and many marketers are finding it good to read and benefit.
7. Email Marketing Rules
By Chad S White
I flipped through the third edition of Email Marketing Rules by Chad S White. I found the book useful for measuring the success of email analytics and also for creating a successful email marketing strategy. With the valuable inputs from the author, you can learn to improve email design and deliverability, lead generation.
8. The Road To Recognition: A-Z Guide To Personal Branding For Accelerating Your Professional Success In The Age Of Digital Media
By Seth Price and Barry Feldman
You simply cannot find a better and more comprehensive book on personal branding! I found it really good!
9. They Ask You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach To Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today’s Digital Consumer
By Marcus Sheridan
Author Marcus Sheridan is an effective content marketer introducing new strategies. His effective strategy is answering questions. Implement this strategy in your own business and watch the results!
10. The Mobile Native’s Guide To Marketing
By Aurelie Guerrieri
Did you know that more than half the web traffic is from mobile users? So, is it important to include a mobile marketing strategy? In his book, author Aurelie Guerrieri confirms the strategy for reaching mobile users and delivering the requirements they crave.
So, which is your favorite marketing book in 2018? Find out the best book addressing your business domain and benefit from some great insights!
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Tom Corson-Knowles, the author who founded Bestseller Ranking Pro, spent six long years trying to get a traditional publishing deal (and failed miserably). He finally decided to self-publish his first book on Kindle in February 2012.
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